Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Nor'Easter- Summer S.


Dear Mikayla,

As you may already know, I have been up in Portland, Maine since Tuesday afternoon because of a national band competition that will be taking place on Saturday and Sunday. We have all day rehearsals on today and tomorrow but I’m worried that everything will be canceled. I saw on the Weather Channel this morning that a big winter storm called a Nor’easter is going to be hitting most of the Northeast. I wasn’t completely sure what a Nor’easter was, so I did some research on the topic.

Well this type of storm is a counter clockwise turning cyclone. It forms only when artic air from the north dips south. Then when the cold air meets the warm air, the warm air rises overtop of the cold air. This causes it to have low air pressure below but unsteadiness up high. Usually, when you have a Nor’easter, you have tremendous winds that can cause a lot of damage. The air pressure can get very low down by ground level, so you need to be prepared for the worst (because the worst will be coming!)

The clouds are also pretty large and low to the ground. Nor’easters usually can cause a lot of precipitation such as rain, sleet, hail, and snow. Water has a freezing point of 32° F, so if it’s going to snow or hail, it has to be either at this temperature or lower. Very heavy snow is expected for us, and I really don’t want to get stuck in the hotel. A Nor-Easter is one the worst types of storms that you can have in the winter, and so I am NOT looking forward to it. I really hope that it won’t be as bad as it should, but no one will know for sure until it hits. I’ve included a link for you if you want to read more about the Nor’easter if you are interested. Click here for the link. I'll keep you updated! Talk to you later!

Your Friend,

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