Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 2 - Hurricanes - Sarah

Dear Krithika,

The hurricane made landfall an hour ago! We've already tied down our boat and moved inland to a new hotel, although they have boarded up their windows as well. We have been in the room for some time now listening to the news on TV waiting for more updates.

This category 4 hurricane is said to bring heavy rain and winds of up to 155 mph! There could be tornadoes, too! Even though we have moved out of our hotel on the coast, we are still in the flood warning region. When I say warning I mean that it is certain that the storm will hit our area, instead of a watch or advisory which means there is either a possibility or a slight chance of a major storm. We haven't been to the coast in quite some time now, but I hear that there is already lots of flooding and massive storm surge. Storm surge is large domes of water that sweep across the coast around the time and area that the hurricane makes landfall. It's good we got out of there when we did! But don't worry about us, we're ready. We made up a supply kit with water and food for 3-7 days, blankets, cash, a radio with extra batteries, and clothes, among many other things (you can go to the Hurricane Preparedness website for the complete supply list). Dad said we also need to fill the bathtub with water so that we don't run out. We can't open the fridge either because we need to keep all the food as cold as we can, and we have to try to avoid using the phone. And just in case things get really bad, the hotel has turned the basement of the building into a safe room. See, we're ready!

This may be the last time I write to you before the storm hits. The Internet may be out for some time, but know that I'll be okay. I'll keep you updated and I'll write again as soon as I can! I heard the Bahamas got hit, too, so in the meantime, stay safe!

Hope to see you soon!


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