Hey Grammi and Pop. How is it going? Well good news for us, the huge storm has passed and it was horrendous! It was crazy. The wind going so fast we heard it, the siding was creaking and the house felt like it could fall over any second. It didn't but some other things did. When we woke up this morning the storm was over but the evidence was clear as day. A massive storm had definitely been there. We went outside both of our trash cans were across and down the street. Dad made us run down and get them, in pajamas! Then the power went out for a little while because they were saying some trees went down on the power lines. But we got lucky the trees didn't come down on anyones house. People die every year because of tree crashes onto their houses or lightning strikes. Sometimes people get hail the size of baseballs and golf balls. That's really dangerous to go out in that because what if it hit you? The hailalso costs a lot of money too, the hail damages cars buildings everything. You might not think they are that dangerous but they are one of the most dangerous and common storms. A double whammy. There is also flooding which we did get. Out in the backyard we have a part that is lower that the other parts and it has about 3 inches of water. The ground is really soggy, when the dogs went outside they were sinking almost. I am suspecting

that the repairs and such
will probably be about 1 to 2 million dollars. They were showing all the damage on the TV..... well before the power went out. We got through it though. I guess we are going to be expecting some more storms. Hopefully not as bad. Everything will be fine! I can't wait until you
guys come to visit.
I'll Talk to you again later, Alaina
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