Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hurricane - Corey (day 2)

Dear Aunt Lisa,

I know the storm hasnt hit you guys up north yet but believe me its up here, we have been preparing for it for weeks, we've had to cut down alot of the trees around our house because they would get blown over an crash into our house. Dad was mad about that, you know how he is. We just closed all the shutters yesterday becuase they said it should be here by today and it deffinitly is! We had to bring in everything that was loose around the house but the mom and dad made me do the worst thing of all! They made me clean the gutters all by myself, they said that it was one of the precations we had to take. After that dad had said we might of had to build a safe room but mom said the weather reporters said it wasnt going to be a catergory 2 which means that the wind speed would be about 96-110 mph and only have moderate damage. But like before, they said there wont be any surges.

Me and my parents know all these precations because I have been doing more research on it and found out alot of great stuff. I want you to look at this link CLICK HERE. When you go to it you will see a category scale, get to know that thing pretty well because when its going to hit you it might change category so be aware of what the damages can be. You could be exspecting some flooding and heavy rainfall. And if you do get heavy rainfall it can cause a land or mud slide and i know you live up in the mountains so you deffinitly need to watch out for landslides. Make sure you turn off your propane tank out back because it could blow up and do alot of damage.
But I have to end it short this time becuase my mom is saying i have to turn the computer off so it doesnt break from the storm. But please make sure you check out that website and take all the precautions told you about!

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