Hey Mom and Dad,
How is Hawaii? I'm still kind of mad that you went on vacation without me, but everything is fine here... Except for the weather. You remember all the rain we were getting before you guys left? Well, it's gotten worse. The temperature is dropping too, and we all know what that will lead to... SNOW.
Tony is extremely excited about the snow, but I'm a little scared. The newscasters are warning that this winter will be the harshest winter in years (one of the worst storms in our area was in 1993, which killed over 250 people!), they're saying it's a "nor-easter." I had absolutely no idea what a nor-easter was, so I did a little research. Here's what I found out:
- Is formed when warm air is blown inland (from the Atlantic ocean) and mixes with cold air (that is moving south). When the warm and cold air combine they produce precipitation.
- Bring heavy rain and snow.
- Can result in very bad coastal flooding.
- The storms usually bring a high of 32 degrees (F)
- Basically a counter-clockwise turning cyclone.
- Can bring very big winds.
For more information click here.
Overall, I'm having very mixed feelings about the storm. I'm excited about the possibility of not having school, but I don't know how bad this storm will be. What if we get stuck inside the house for a really long time? What if you guys won't be able to come home for a while?
Well, I guess we better go grocery shopping...
Anyway, hope you're having fun. We miss you so much! Granny sends her love. See you soon (maybe).
- Courtney :)
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