Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 2- Thunderstorms- Joey

Dear Dad,

Remember that storm I told you about? Well, its here. yeah, instead of the usual rain we are being beaten by nickle sized hailstones! Their huge! And they hurt. I went to go out and close the garage door and one hit me right in the gut. It really hurt, but I'm OK. Mom told me that I needed to stay inside because the type of thunderstorm that was hitting us was a "Super cell". I didn't know what they were at first, so I looked them up. And you won't believe the things I learned.

Super cell are the biggest and baddest thunderstorm there is. They can be up to one hundred miles in diameter, can you believe that? One hundred miles! That's about the size of Delaware! And you know whats really cool? They can change wind directions as the storm gets higher into the atmosphere. It does this so the cool down draft doesn't interfere with the warm updraft that feeds the storm. It can last for hours if it keeps it up. I'm a little scared, but not that much. I just wish we were just being hit by a Single cell or a Multiicellular. Those aren't as bad.

A Single cell storm is just like the name implies, it is made up from only one cell.But so is the Super cell. But the only difference is its size and the fact that the Single cell cannot change it's winds direction. Because of this, a Single can only last about thirty minutes or so. And they aren't very common. The most common is the Multicellular, many Single Cells grouped together. This makes the storm last longer because each cell takes a turn raining and being miserable while the others eather rest or prepare. This also means that these storms have heavier rain and they have louder thunderclaps. That's when the lightning hits the ground and it makes a sound. Yeah, these are much safer than what we are being hit by right now, but don't worry. We are prepared for the worst.

Me and Mom have taken all of the safety cautions the weatherman told us to do. The windows are boarded (flying trash), all of the windows and doors around the house and closed and locked, the T.V. and radio are always on, all plugs are unplugged, and we've made our self's a safety kit in case things turn nasty. In it we have. . .
  • Band aids

  • Neosporen

  • Aspirin and other drugs

  • Water purifying tablets

  • Gloves

  • Tons of extra batteries

  • Three flashlights (one extra)

  • A radio

  • And sleeping bags

So as you can see, we are expecting the worst, but were prepared for it. But if you want to learn more about them, then click here and all your questions will be answered. Mom said that I need to sign off now and unplug the computer so it doesn't spark if a line is hit with lightning. There's no need to worry about us. We are perfectly safe in the house. Mom told me to tell you that see loves you and she hopes to see you soon. Bye Dad.



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