Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 3- Thunderstorms- Joey

Dear Dad,
Hey Dad. Sorry, I haven't written in days. The reason I'm writing now is because the power just came back. But thanks to our battery powered radio, we were able to keep up with everything. The radio said that a telephone pole was hit and the lines split. It must have been hard to fix. But unfortunately, in the power outage the fridge also lost it's power. So we had to throw away most of the food in there. It was a real waste, and I wanted the spaghetti that was in it. But none of the canned food went bad, so have been eating soup and raviolis ever since. But since the power came back, Mom and me were able to go out and get some real food. But I kind of wish we stayed home.
The things we saw when we left. You know are neighbors the Dudes? They had a tree fall over and land on their roof. There was some real damage done to the house. I just hope that they are alright. And you should have seen the amount of trees Bent over and split in half. Its disgusting. I just had to put it out of my mind until we got back home.
It looked like everyone had the same idea to go to the super market because there were tons of people there. But we could only get some bread and milk because the supply trucks were told to turn around when the storm was coming and the amount of people that were there. Oh well, its better than nothing.
Well the good thing is that I don't have school until next week because they are trying to clear out the schools parking lot. There is also a rumor that the school was hit by a tree that was uprooted. I don't mind. It gives me time to spend with Mom. She's the coolest. She knew what to do and when to it. But I still wish you were home. Things just aren't the same. Especially after that storm. But well make it through. I promise.
P.S. If you want to know more, Click Here.

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