Hi Grandma and Grandpa! You will not believe what we just found out! You have probably seen a lot in the news today about the huge earthquake off the coast of South America. I have been watching the news and the destruction is just awful. It was a 9.0 on the Richter scale and the place looks like it has been demolished. Well, our area, because we live on the coast, has been put on alert for tsunamis. Can you believe that?
I know where you live there isn't any water around you so let me explain what a tsunami is. Basically, when something big happens underwater (like an earthquake or a volcanic eruption) it sets the water in motion. Waves start to ripple out from the underwater event. Over and over the waves keep rippling. These waves can travel really long distances underwater. So far, in fact, that this earthquake in South America could cause a tsunami here- thousands of miles away. The waves travel really fast too- up to 450 miles per hour.

As the waves approach the shore and the water gets more shallow, the wave grows higher. They can reach up to 100 feet in the air. That is one huge wave! Imagine if that came crashing down on you..And usually, you don't get just one wave that hits. You get a whole series of them. You can check out the FEMA site if you want to know more. To the right is a picture of what a tsunami wave could look like!
Now, as I said, we have been put on alert because it is really difficult to predict exactly when and where it might hit, if it does. Mom, Dad and I are going to figure out what we need to do to protect ourselves, just in case. So, don't worry! We'll all be fine. I have to get ready for school now, but I'll be in touch in the next few days and keep you updated on what is happening.
Love you!